For Body Mind & Soul


Keeping your home clean and healthy doesn’t require a shelf full of specialized chemical detergents, sprays and polishes, said Glenda Ervin, director of marketing for Lehman’s, the family-owned mercantile in Kidron. Simple living has been Lehman’s mission since Ervin’s father Jay started the store 70 years ago.

“We want to help people to live a simpler life, which means living a life that’s understandable, sustainable and comforting,” Ervin said. “Our products are predicated on that belief.”

Castile soap is one of the natural products you’ll find exclusively at Lehman’s.

“It has multiple uses,” Ervin said. “You can literally wash your car, your dishes, your hands, your dog and your veggies with it. It’s made of olive oil, coconut and sunflower oils, honey and jojoba oil, so it’s very gentle. It’s concentrated and very economical. There’s no reason to have window cleaner, furniture spray and all kinds of household cleaning products that contain chemicals when you can have one all-natural product that can do it all.”

Lehman’s also carries locally made goat’s milk soap — Kristy’s Lovely Lathers — which is homemade by a Shreve resident who milks her goats and grows the herbs, flowers and spices that go into her product.

“Goat’s milk has a lot of natural emollients, so it’s very rich in fat and protein,” Ervin said. “It acts as a natural moisturizer, which makes it ideal for dry or sensitive skin.”

The pH level of goat milk, she said, is very close to the pH level of human skin.

“When you put chemical lotions on your skin, your skin kind of gets addicted to it and you have to keep applying more lotion,” Ervin said. “Goat milk is rich in nutrients like vitamins A and B, and it’s soothing for irritated skin. People with conditions like eczema and psoriasis swear by it.”

Lovely Lathers soaps come in a variety of scents, like peppermint and lemon grass, and make lovely gifts, Ervin said.

“We’re here to help people on their journey to a simpler life,” she said. “You may not want to live off the grid and raise your own chickens and cows, but you can take small steps to make life simpler and healthier. You can grow some of your own food and try to eliminate unnatural chemicals from your home — and your body.”

A natural laundry cleaner can help you do that, Ervin said.

“Chemicals on your clothes can get into your skin,” she said. “Arm and Hammer Super Washing Soda gets out dirt and stains, eliminates odors, and it’s great for kitchen grease, crayon marks and oily stains. And it’s 100% fragrance and phosphate free.”

Lehman’s also carries Amish-made household cleaning tools like a lamb’s wool duster.

“Lamb’s wool has emollients that grab dust, so you don’t need any cleaning product,” Ervin said.

You can get started on living a simpler life with a visit to Lehman’s, located at 4779 Kidron Road in Kidron. You can learn more about the store at or by calling 330-828-8828.