The Best of Berlin
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- Mary Malik
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Berlin, Ohio is the heart of Amish Country. Janet Flickinger, director of operations for Berlin Main Street Merchants, invites visitors from near and far to come to Berlin to escape the fast pace of daily life, slow down and experience all the area has to offer.
“People love Berlin for so many reasons,” Flickinger said. “It’s the food, the shopping, the entertainment, the family fun and so much more that make Berlin unique and exactly what people are looking for today. Everyone here is happy, kind and ready to share this very special community with visitors from all over the world. Welcome to Berlin. We’re happy you’re here.”
The fall is an exciting time in Berlin, with festivals and other special events happening all throughout the season. “Berlin is bursting with the beauty of nature, and our local merchants are eager to share their talents with visitors and locals,” Flickinger said. “With more than 70 restaurants, inns and hotels, and historic attractions, we have so many activities here for every member of your family to enjoy, whether you’re here just for the day or are sticking around a while.
“Every season is a vibrant time in Berlin, and we love to show off all our merchants and talented local artisans to visitors from all over. Music on the Square is held end of May through mid-September, with musical groups performing Bluegrass, Country, Gospel and Folk. Come gather for free live music every Friday night from 7:00-9 p.m (weather permitting), see schedule on website.
The Berlin annual events begin with our P.J. Party held the last weekend of January. Berlin Sweet On You offers special Valentine’s Day celebrations in February. The last weekend of April our local residents have a huge town garage sale and the Berlin Main Street Merchants hold their annual Barnstorming event, where participates have a chance to win fabulous prizes. Both of the April events have become favorites with locals and visitors.
Join us in June for our 2nd annual Summer Spectacular event, where you’ll find unique gifts from weavers, spinners, painters, sculptors and other local artists as you watch them work on their crafts live, right here on Main Street. Coming in 2025, every 1st and 3rd Saturday night in June, July and August will have Worship on the Square. All events are always family
friendly and filled with activities for kids and adults of all ages.
Visit Berlin, Ohio — the heart of Amish Country.
For more information and a comprehensive schedule of events in Berlin, check out the website
Visit Berlin for These Events
Annual Harvest Fest and Rib Cook-off
What: Berlin’s annual event includes music on the
square, food, rib contests, local vendors, live auction
and raffle items, fireworks, and fun for the whole family.
When: Friday and Saturday, September 6 and 7, 2024,
rain or shine.
Where: Main Street, Berlin
Friday, September 6
Noon., Vendors Open
7 p.m., Live Auction
8:45 p.m., Fireworks
Live Music: 1:30-4:30 p.m., Low Gap
5-8:45 p.m., Ren Rocks
Saturday, September 7
10 a.m., Vendors Open
2 p.m., Rib Contest
4 p.m., Rib Winners Announced
4:30 p.m., Raffle Begins
6:00-7 p.m., Parade
Live Music
1-3:30 p.m., H Country Bluegrass
3:30-6 p.m., County Line
All proceeds from the festival auction and raffle benefit
BMSM, Juneberry Hill School House and the Nehemiah
Christmas Open House
When: Thursday to Saturday, November 7-9, 2024
Christmas is a special time of year in Berlin. Visit the
shops all decorated in their holiday finest. BMSM
shops will feature special holiday sales and giveaways
all weekend long.
Live Nativity Parade
When: Friday, November 29, 2024
Where: Parade begins at Sheiyah Market at 6:45 p.m.
and proceeds to the square.
What: This is an immersive experience, with live animals from Walnut Creek Farm including camels, horses,
sheep, oxen and more. Children and adults are invited
to dress as angels and shepherds to celebrate the birth
of Jesus, the true reason for the season. Hot cocoa and
Christmas caroling on the Square following parade.
Shopping Under the Stars
When: Friday, December 6, 2024
What: The spirit of Christmas is on display in Berlin. Get
some Christmas shopping done when Berlin merchants
stay open until 9 p.m. Grab a cup of hot cocoa and a
holiday treat as you wander the shops and take advantage of special sales.