Photography and the Amish

Gene Wintersole photo
- Amish 101
- Amish 101
- 59463
Ohio’s Amish Country Magazine’s Facebook page and website get a lot of comments about photography and the Amish. Most non-Amish think it’s against their religion to be photographed. It’s actually NOT against an Amish person’s religion to be photographed. The Amish religion does, however, prohibit POSING for photographs.
The Amish community is known for their strong beliefs and traditions, one of which is their refusal to pose for photographs. They believe that photos show a distinction between themselves and God's creation, which goes against their humble nature. Instead, they prefer to be captured in a natural setting where they are not posing or drawing attention to themselves.
If you ask an Amish person for permission to take their picture, most will politely say no, as this could be construed as a willingness to pose. Most Amish say they could not care less if people take their picture, provided the photographers are respectful. Some Amish have recounted stories of tourists driving up their driveway and boldly walking onto their front lawn to take a photograph. One woman recalled a time when a tourist stopped her buggy and held the reins of the horse until his wife could get a photo! Stories like these aren't the norm, but keep in mind a few disrespectful photographers can generate a great deal of bad feeling within the Amish community.
While the rule against posed photography generally holds, general attitudes toward photography have been evolving, at least among certain segments of the Amish population. This may be due to increased Amish contact with the world, due to an occupational shift that has seen them opening businesses requiring greater contact with outsiders.
Attitudes to photography typically vary among individuals as well as between the different Amish orders. Amish also acknowledge different approaches to taking photos. On the whole, the Amish remain wary of picture-taking, but it’s probable that Amish attitudes to photography are softer today than they might have been 10 years ago.
Here in Ohio’s Amish Country, being a high tourist area, the photography rules are a little less strict. That doesn’t mean a photographer or tourist can be disrespectful. No means no, a turn of a head means don’t photograph my face and by all means do not trespass on private property.
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