Bring pride back from "made in the USA."
How Amish builders strive to protect the environment.
The Killbuck Valley Museum, a little off the beaten path, is one of Holmes County's hidden treasures.
From Limpytown to Poochtown, there’s a story behind the history of Amish Country’s tiny burgs and hollers.
As they live side by side in Amish Country, are they really all that different?
Inside a “Heritage” shop in Ohio’s Amish Country.
Buggy shopping and buying is more than meets the eye.
Your canal boat is stuck in Roscoe Village for repairs. Whatever will you do to pass the time?
American Christmas meals have origins as varied as our people.
Adding precious memories to those of Christmas past.
The Amish enjoy celebrating the holidays just as much as anyone else.
The Amish believe strongly in education, but only provide formal education through the eighth grade. They are exempt from state compulsory attendance beyond the eighth grade based on religious...
The family is the most important social unit in the Amish culture. Large families with seven to ten children are common. Chores are clearly divided by sexual role in the Amish home - the man usually...
The most common sight in an Amish community is the horse and buggy. It marks distinctively the separation of the Amish community from the rest of the world who uses the automobile for every day...
The Amish are averse to any technology which they feel weakens the family structure. The conveniences that the rest of us take for granted such as electricity, television, automobiles, telephones and...