Experience Dutchman Hospitality this holiday season

Along with the sights and sounds of Christmas, the scent of fresh-baked cookies and popcorn fill the air, and a free deluxe continental breakfast makes a visit to the Carlisle Inn even more accessible.
- Things to Do
- Lodging
- Beth Newcomb
- 8730
Here's an insider's tip to get the most out of your visit to Amish Country during the holiday season: Be sure to book a stay at the Carlisle Inn, located on Dutchman Hospitality's Sugarcreek campus.
“We have people call us to find out when our decorations will be up,” said Vicki VanNatta, public relations coordinator for the company many acknowledge as having launched the tourism industry in Holmes County. “The inn is beautifully decorated for Christmas. Everywhere you look there is a festive touch, and you can really feel the spirit of the season in the air. We welcome visitors to plan their getaway here and immerse themselves in everything we have to offer. It’s a very special time of year.”
So special, in fact, that families regularly mark their holiday gatherings with a visit to the Carlisle Inn. “Some families are spread out, but they still want to be together over the holidays,” VanNatta said. “Because our rates drop starting in mid-November, they can afford to have their entire group stay here to enjoy Amish Country in the winter months.”
Along with the sights and sounds of Christmas, the scent of fresh-baked cookies and popcorn fill the air, and a free deluxe continental breakfast makes a visit to the Carlisle Inn even more accessible.
Within steps of the inn you’ll find Dutch Valley Restaurant and bakery, a gift shop, a market with fresh deli meats and cheese, and the Ohio Star Theater, where a packed schedule of family-friendly seasonal entertainment awaits.
At a still-young 2 years old, the 514-seat Ohio Star Theater hosts everything from gospel and Christian musical groups to family-friendly comedians and Broadway-style productions. Here’s a sample of what you can expect when you grab your ticket to the show for the holidays:
"The Christmas Tree Ship"
Now through Saturday, Dec. 28 – New!
New for the holiday season, “The Christmas Tree Ship” is a riveting tale inspired by a true story. Find out what hap-pens when a ship, a storm and one family’s mission to rescue Christmas for their community come together.
“Every seat in our theater is a great one,” VanNatta said. “People who come to our shows have nothing but positive reviews. The beauty of our productions is they’re appropriate for anyone. Most people like to combine a stay at the Carlisle with dinner at Dutch Valley followed by a show at the Ohio Star Theater.”
To grab your seat at the show, you can buy your ticket online at OhioStarTheater.com, visit either of the Dutchman Hospitality inns or call 1-855-344-7547. The web address to locateall properties owned and operated by Dutchman Hospitality Group is DHGroup.com. Find the Ohio Star Theater on Facebook at Ohio Star Theater at Dutch Valley. The theater is located on the Sugarcreek campus. A sister property in Walnut Creek boasts an impressive array of amenities and includes overnight accommodations.